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Beautiful Memories Are Wonderful Things,They Last till the Longest Day, They never wear out, They never get lost, And can never be given away. To Some you may be Forgotten, To others a part of the past. But to us who Loved and Lost you, Your Memories will Always Last. Lisa Ann Holden

This memorial website was created to remember our Father, James J. Holden, Sr. who was born in  Philadelphia, PA on March 7, 1934 and passed away in the home of his daughter in Bath, PA on December 17, 2007. He was Entered into Rest on December 22nd, 2007 after a wonderful send-off, attended by so many. Dad, We Will Always Miss You, but Will Continue To Laugh With You in our Memories of All The Good Times Shared.

Know Without a Doubt, that You Made Us Who We Are Today, and Know We Were Always So Proud To Call You Dad............We Will Love You Forever in Our Hearts and In Our Memories.











Though The Ones We Love may Leave Life as We Know It, In Our Memory, The Love We Knew Will Always Carry On......................


May It Comfort Us To Know that Death Cannot Diminish the Important Ways Our Father Touched Our Lives, That Grief Cannot Take Away the Good Times Shared, That Sorrow Will Fade in Time....But His Memories Remain Forever...










Dad and Mom are spending Christmas in Heaven this year

They left me with fond memories I cherish ever so dear
Their rewards on this earth were few and far between
But their Love and Laughter are with me Today

My Sister Kathleen is up there too
Along with my GrandParents, some Uncles and Aunts
They made that Heavenly trip and left me here alone
To ramble around a house that is no longer a home

I miss the love and companionship that was theirs and mine
I  miss them all especially at Christmas time
Spending Christmas in Heaven is where they will be
I guess God missed them too and wanted their company




Dad...so many images come to mind
whenever I speak your name;
It seems without you in my life
things have never been the same.

What happened to those lazy days
when I was just a child;
When my life was consumed in you
in your love, and in your smile.

What happened to all those times
when I always looked to you;
No matter what happened in my life
you could make my gray skies blue.

Dad, some days I hear your voice
and turn to see your face;
Yet in my turning...it seems
the sound has been erased.

Dad, who will I turn to for answers
when life does not make sense;
Who will be there to hold me close
when the pieces just don't fit.

Oh, Dad, if I could turn back time
and once more hear your voice;
I'd tell you that out of all the dads
you would still be my choice.

Please always know I love you
and no one can take your place;
Years may come and go
but your memory will never be erased.

Today, Jesus, as You are listening
in your home above;
Would you go and find my dad
and give him all my love.








This Site is also in Remembrance of our Mother, Joan Marie and Sister Kathleen, who have also Gone Before Us.  We Know that Dad is with them once again, taking care of them and watching over all of us left behind... We Love and Miss You All.....In Our Hearts and Memories Forever...........    




















ON 8/30/2009




It was between MY HUSBAND and I where he would have his final resting place unbeknowns to you or anyone else.  He is not on anyone's television and is in an undisclosed place for urns and I will be with him when it is time!  Since this is my LAST communication with you ever,  You should know that he never ever wanted to buried in that God Forsaken place of yours anyway. 





Dad's Childhood Signature





Dad and Mom's Marriage Certificate












Dad and Little Jimmy




Dad's Baptismal Certificate 


Taken out of Dad's Old School Books





Dad's Confirmation Certificate





Dad's First Holy Communion



 Dad, Jimmy, Kevin and Lisa



Dad's Naval Photo, Right Side, Second from Top






Dad and Uncle Jack


Dad and Lisa's Son Christopher







Taken out of Dad's Old School Books

( He Kept Everything )


 Dad and Little Jimmy



Dad, with Unknown Girl on Date

( In Back Center )




Taken out of Dad's Old Grade School Books



Dad and Steve Building Our Barn

June 2002





We look back to our childhood

And tears of joy abound

We think how long and

Hard you worked

To keep us safe and sound

Appreciation isn't enough

And we know no payment is due

But you'll always have our devotion

You're the Greatest, and We Will Love You Always.....










Dad and Steve Building Our Barn

June 2002




Much Love And Support To All Those From the Cholangiocarcinoma Group / Foundation. You Were All  There For Dad and I From The Beginning Of His Journey and Will Remain Close At Heart Always. I Think Of Each Of You EveryDay And Know That You Are In My Thoughts.....

Dad's Daughter, Lisa Ann





Our Barn that Dad, Steve and I Built with the help

of some of our Friends

Dedicated Holden's Acres










Dad, Joking Around as We Cleaned up Wood Piles

Before the Move from Municipal Road




   We Thought of you today

  But that is nothing new
     We thought of you yesterday
      And will tomorrow, too.

        We think of you in silence
          And make no outward show.
        For what it meant to lose you
           Only those who love you know.

           Remembering you is easy,
           We do it everyday.
            It's the heartache of losing you
             That will never go away.






This Photo was taken a Month and Half before Dad's Passing.

It was taken on my 45th Birthday

My Last Birthday shared with my Dad


Dad, Jimmy, Kevin, Lisa and Brian the Bugger



Dad with the UnKnown Date








Dad Enjoying His Pipe





There's Dad on a Date with that Girl Again

He Was Handsome Alright




So Very Handsome, Wasn't He ???


 Dad, Relaxing...Something Unusual for Him






Dad's Wife, Joan Marie Holden

Mother of his 6 CHildren

 The Adventurous Side of Dad



Dad Walking Lisa Down the Isle







  Dad with those Hands, and those Expressions


Dad Kissing Lisa on her Wedding Day




Dad, Never without a Pipe, Cigar or Cigarette in his Mouth

No Matter what he was Doing, HAHA






Dad Giving Lisa Away




Dad, Steve and Lisa

Dad and Lisa Dancing 1980


Dad and Lisa Dancing 1980


No words I write can ever say
How much I miss you every day.
As time goes by, the loneliness grows;
How I miss you, nobody knows!
I think of you in silence,
I often speak your name,
But all I have are memories
And photos in a frame.
No one knows my sorrow,
No one sees me weep,
But the love I have for you
Is in my heart to keep.
I've never stopped loving you
I'm sure I never will;
Deep inside my heart,
You are with me still.
Heartaches in this world are many
But mine is worse than any.
My heart still aches as I whisper low,
"I need you and I miss you so."
The things we feel so deeply
Are often the hardest to say,
But I just can't keep quiet any more,
So I'll tell you anyway.
There is a place in my heart
That no one else can fill;
I love you so, Dad,
And I always will














Latest Memories
Dad's Daughter, Lisa Ann



I Remember all the Valentine's Day's that You Never Forgot. You always made Kathleen and I feel so special. We would wait till you arrived home from work, and You would give us each a Heart Shaped Box of Chocolates, and a few Bags of Candy Hearts. Of Course You Never Forgot Mom, She got the Biggest Heart Shaped Box and the Biggest of Cards. I Miss Those Days, but I Will Always Have Those Special Memories. Where Did All Those Wonderful Years Go???? You Will Always Be a One of a Kind Dad, Always Missed, But Never, Ever Forgotten.

I am Still Missing You Everyday, Someday's More Than Others.









Why Didn't I
 To sit with my Dad once again
Would be a dream come true
I would say the things I should have said
Like how much "I Love You!"

So many words were left unspoken
So many words were left unsaid
Why didn't I tell him how I felt?
But I kept my mouth shut instead.

For fear of embarrassment and awkwardness
I kept the words tucked in my heart
Then the Lord took you home one day
Now my words I can't impart.

I'm so sorry I never told you
Just how much I did love you
Something inside of me said 'there's no need'
I took it for granted that you knew.

So Dad, I want you now to know
Even though you're on the other side
Just how much I love and Miss you
and That's why I continue to cry
Dad and Lisa
Jimmy, Kevin, Lisa and Brian
Jimmy, Kevin, Lisa, Brian and Tommy
Dad's Daughter, Lisa Ann


I know I told you often enough how much I loved you, but I feel the need to say it once again, and to tell you how very much I appreciated all that you did for me.

My early childhood memories are such good ones of all the happy times we spent together. Although you worked such long hours, everyday, to give us all the things we ever needed or wanted, at the end of the day, you still managed to sneak into my bedroom at night, wake me, and ask if there was anything I needed for school etc.

You taught me such respect for material things, and how to love people for who they are. I have such a Great Love for animals because of you, and need to tell you that your little Chancey Mancey, Misses you. I wish you would have gotten to know Obie better, but as you said, he is turning out to be One BIG Boy. The horses miss your soft heart, and the extra feedings of hay and treats. Hailey Turned 11 years old on the 29th of December, and he still looks forward to his dinner everynight. Not sure how much time I will have left with him, but I know you'll be waiting for him on the other side. I know Mom won't be crazy about a big dog joining you, but you and Kathleen can butter her up a little. He is surely a gentle giant.

Tom found your wedding album in the storage garage, and I will be adding those photos to your site for all to see. You two really did make a nice couple. Tell Mom and Kathleen We Love and Miss them, and there is no doubt in my mind that you are taking care of them once again.

I will write again in a few days, till then, Love You with All my Heart and Miss You So Much.  Your Daughter, Lisa Ann


Dad, Hailey came home to you today.


Watch Over Him for Me...

Hailey's Last Day, 2/18/2007


GrandPop will Love and Take Care of You.

Miss You, Your Mommy

Daughter, Mary Ann Holden


I remember the way you loved to tease everyone.  I remember the way you teased all the grandkids with the Horse Hoof ( from Farrier School ) in the barn at your house in Pipersville. The last time I saw you and talked to you before you left us, you made us laugh and smile, and on that day you told me you wanted me to have your Florida Land. You got up and went to get it for me, and little did I know it was just a small bag of sand that said Florida Land on it. I know everyone says you gave it to me because you hated the hot weather in Florida, but I will have it and treasure it always. Everytime I look at it or talk about it, I will be reminded of you and all the times we shared.


Marianne Caven
I've known Jimmy Holden all my life. He knew about my existence before I took my first breath. And in all my days, I can think of few others I was ever so happy to see...always so happy to be around. He was one kind, funny uncle. And a man with a big heart.
Since I spent so much of my life and so many weekends growing up with Sadie and  Bella ( his Mom and also Great Granny while she was alive and I was very young ), I saw Jimmy often. Many a Saturday when he stopped by Emerald Street for a visit with his Mom, he would take me out with him for a drive to pick up work materials or visit shops... always stopping on a hot day ( no air conditioned vehicles then ) to get me a soda, sometimes a lunch. Young Jimmy recently mentioned remembering Smarkola's, a variety store at the corner of Emerald and Cambria Streets, just a few steps from 2878. Many a time Jimmy Holden put a quarter in my hand ( yes, a quarter did it in those days ! ) and watched me cross the street for candies and ice cream. I'll never forget one shop we occasionally visited...  the owner's name was Joe Dodash ( certainly not sure of the spelling ). I sure do remember the very funny name...and your Dad telling when I laughed about it, that Mr. Dodash was one good guy!
His Mom, my beloved Aunt Bella, loved him so. She and Sadie took every opportunity to sing the praises of his mechanical and carpentry skills, often noting wood work and improvements he made at Emerald Street, when he was in his teens. I didn't think there was anything he couldn't make. I remember asking him many times if he could build steps inside our early childhood home on K Street...in the corner of the living room... a small staircase, that would lead to a secret room in the upstairs hallway for me. Impossible, of course, but his comment was always " I'll think about it".
Jimmy Holden added a spark and laughter to every family gathering. I was always so excited when I stayed with Aunt Ronnie and she told me Jimmy was on his way. He loved kids, most of all his own. He wasn't an uninvolved adult bystander, he connected with us. I think he was a big kid himself at heart. A very good thing.
Christmases were great at the Holden household. No where did I ever see such stacks of toys and presents. As Lisa recently told me, he did enjoy Christmas mornings, even if he took a snooze or two through it all. I was felt as welcome at the Holden home as I did at my own. The kettle always went on and if there was an occasion for a gathering, there was always a "good spread", a phrase used in those days. In later years, the offer of a drink ( yes, we did share a few ! ).
Jimmy Holden had a keen insight into people. I always thought he somehow knew more about me than I ever shared, or anyone did...many times he laughed, telling me that he knew from when I was born,  I wasn't destined to be the nun my father hoped to find in one of his girls. He never judged, he jibed. He could slip in some gem of wit or dry humour without you realizing it for a moment or two and he could also slip in a bit of wisdom or advice, in the same fashion.
Jimmy Holden knew the trials and tribulations that life often deal us. He also knew great joys. He loved his family. He loved children. When he surprised me years back with his excitement about having acreage and animals, I knew the animal kingdom had found a great friend. Now a greater kingdom has him. May he rest in peace and be rewarded.
With a nod to his Scottish and Irish background, I offer you this blessing:
May the Road Rise to Meet You,
May the Wind be Forever at Your Back,
May the Sun Shine Warm Upon Your Face,
The Rains Fall Soft Upon Your Fields,
And until You Meet Jim Holden again,
May God Hold You in the Palm of His Hand.
With every best wish, love, and gratitude for the man your father was,
Your Cous Marianne
Lisa Ann Holden

So Many Stories, So Many Memories, So Much Love............

Dad You Were Always The Best,  No One Could Have Asked For a Better Dad....

I Missed You Yesterday, I Miss You Today and I Will Miss You Always...........


Give Me The Strength To Go On, and Share My Memories Of You With Everyone.....

They Tell Me You Are in a Better Place, But it Sure is Lonely Here Without You....

They Tell Me Time Will Ease The Pain, But I Wasn't Ready To Let You Go Just Yet........I Miss You..........I Love You...........Always In My Heart............Always in my Memories.............Always in my Thoughts......

Latest Condolences
Mark A. Stanton A friend from long ago... December 5, 2009

I'm saddened to hear of Jimmy's passing....I knew him back in the late 70's - early 80's. I volunteered with him at Newport Fire Company #1. He was the Chief Engineer there and while we didn't have the greatest equipment in the world....Jimmy kept it all running. That man could fix anything! I also knew him from the Bensalem Swim Club. He was a member there, and took care of the maintenance of the pumps and filters.

What I admired about him the most was that when I first met him, I found out that his wife had recently passed away. I also learned that he had many kids, and was often seen spending time with them. I admired him immensly because of his devotion to his family, and to his profession. He touched a lot of peoples lives....mine included. Rest easy Jimmy, theres nothing in need of repair up in Heaven....


Mark A. Stanton

Ed Kane Back Creek Rocking Horse, Co., Virginia January 1, 2008

To: Mr. James J. Holden, a man's man that we never got a chance to meet,  has a wonderful family that he left in his image and his life. May God Bless, James J. Holden, his daughter, Lisa Ann and his grandchildren and his family. Ed Kane, Back Creek Rocking Horse, Co., Virginia

Joyce Moneypenny A Father Like No Other December 30, 2007

I grieve for James Holden, though I never knew him; I never met him, but I heard stories about him from Lisa Ann, and he sounded like a funny, sarcastic, huge-hearted man that I would be proud to know. Most importantly, he was an irreplaceable human being to many people, especially his daughter Lisa Ann, and the grief at his passing shows just how special and wonderful he really was. A father like that can never be replaced or forgotten. We should all be lucky enough to have such a father - but to lose such a father is a heartache that will never really go away. He lives on in his children and grandchildren and great-grandchildren - may he always be remembered and honored for the wonderful man he was.